Monday, 22 October 2012

Why I review Indie Comics differently or Credit where credit is due

If you are a regular reader of my blog (if such a person exists) you may have noticed my reviews, and particularly comic reviews, all share a certain format. I also have a habit of being quite cynical and I am not beyond nitpicking at everything from page layout, to the choice of font.  However you will notice when I review Indie comics I take a very different, more complimentary approach.

Some people may see this as going ‘easy’ on indie comics, but it is really about focusing on a comic’s strengths without riffing on its flaws. Don’t get me wrong if I think an indie comic is horribly written I'm not going to say it’s well written, I will probably instead offer some carefully worded constructive criticism. I also won’t give indie comics a rating out of 10 as I really don’t think it’s fair to slap a number rating on what is usually someone’s labour of love.

So why go ‘easy’ on indie comics?
For starters, it is not a ‘pity’ thing. It’s ‘holy crap’ you had the skills, self discipline and drive make this comic. Awesome. who cares if it's not perfect. You got off your arse and did something creative and original for no other reason than for the love of comics and creativity. That deserves a massive Kudos. 

From a logistical perspective, a comic put out by one of the big publishers (Such as Marvel or DC) usually have a team of at least three people minimum, usually a writer, penciller and colourist, not to mention the support staff  who handle the lettering, layouts and all the publishing aspects. In contrast to this an indie comic usually consists of one to two people an artist and a writer (often their one in the same) who have to negate the mine field that is printing deals and photoshop fonts...not to mention funding the dang thing!

So it's fair to say that releasing an indie comic is no small feat, that in itself is worthy of recognition. S please keep that in mind whenever you read any of my indie comic reviews. 


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